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Difference between Zina and Nikkah in Islam!!! Why people should Choose Nikkah over Zina?

Zina vs Nikkah

Why People Commit Zina?

In order to understand this, first we must understand What is Zina in Islam?

Definition of Zina (Sexual Immorality):

Zina, in Islamic teachings, refers to the grave sin of sexual immorality or unlawful sexual relations. It encompasses any sexual activity or behavior outside the bounds of a lawful marriage between a man and a woman. Zina is considered a major transgression in Islam due to its potential harm to individuals and society, and it is strictly prohibited by the Quran and Hadith (the sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him). This article delves into the Islamic perspective on Zina and offers guidance on how to avoid this sinful behavior according to Islamic teachings.

Following are the reasons as of why people commit Zina in our Islamic society but it may varies person to person as well. Some of the basic ones which are similar are as follows:

Lack of Religious Knowledge: 

Some individuals may not have a strong understanding of Islamic teachings or may not fully understand the gravity of the sin of Zina. They find it as a pleasure due to their weak mentality.

Lack of Self-Control:

A failure to control one's desires and impulses can lead to engaging in Zina when faced with temptation. 
Temptation of zina refers to the strong desire or urge to engage in unlawful sexual relations (zina). It refers to extramarital sexual intercourse, which is prohibited in Islam. It's important for individuals to exercise self-control and adhere to their religious and moral principles to avoid falling into temptation. In addition to that, Zina is not expensive and one can easily afford it as compared to the lawful marriage. Many call girl service providers actively providing services in our society, which disturbs our youth's moral and lure  physical attraction towards opposite gender.

Colleague's or Peers Norms and Pressure: 

Social influences and peer pressure can sometimes lead people to engage in sexual activities they otherwise wouldn't. If a person's social circle or community condones or normalizes premarital or extramarital relationships, they may be more likely to engage in Zina due to perceived social acceptance.

Emotional Vulnerability: 

Emotional distress, loneliness, or a desire for intimacy may push individuals to engage in unlawful sexual relations.
Ignorance with loved ones may also contributes to consequences that Zina can bring.

Lack of Access to Lawful Marriage: 

The absence of a supportive family structure or guidance can make individuals more susceptible to engaging in Zina.
In some cases, cultural or legal barriers may hinder individuals from entering into lawful marriages, leading them to engage in Zina out of necessity. The foremost reason is that we have made Nikkah difficult and Zina very easy. A lawful marriage needs huge budget, stable job and good financial status of a candidate, where as, Zina need only a place and two people together without any undue costs.

Online Dating and Apps: 

The rise of online dating and hookup apps has made it easier for individuals to engage in casual sexual encounters, often without the intention of pursuing a lawful marriage. Governments should take strict actions against such services present online.

Media Influence (Do What You See Attitude):

The streaming of adult or explicit content in mainstream media, including movies, TV shows, and the internet, can desensitize individuals to sexual immorality, making it seem more acceptable. Pornography is another attribute which influence people to do what they see in videos physically with someone.

Relationship Issues: 

Problems within existing marriages or relationships, such as infidelity or emotional dissatisfaction, can sometimes push individuals into seeking pleasure or fulfillment outside of their soulmate.

Psychological Factors:

In some cases, individuals with certain psychological conditions or past trauma may be more vulnerable to engaging in Zina as a way of coping with their emotional struggles.

Rebellion Autonomy: 

In some cases, individuals may engage in Zina as an act of rebellion against societal or religious norms, seeking autonomy over their choices. Making fun of Shariah Rules is their mindset.


Our society has gaining momentum with  increased secularization. So the religious values and moral guidelines may be sidelined, leading individuals to prioritize personal desires over religious prohibitions.

What Evil Pleasure People Get in Zina?

The notion of deriving pleasure from engaging in Zina (sexual immorality) is a complex and sensitive topic. 
While some individuals may mistakenly associate pleasure with such actions, it's important to clarify that this perceived pleasure is temporary and fleeting. Moreover, it is considered sinful and harmful in Islamic teachings. 

Here are some points to consider regarding the notion of "evil pleasure" in Zina:

Temporary Fun: 

Engaging in Zina might provide a brief sense of physical or emotional pleasure. However, this pleasure is fleeting and often followed by negative consequences, both in this world and in the Hereafter.

Spiritual Consequences: 

Committing Zina is regarded as a grave sin in Islam. Any perceived pleasure is overshadowed by the spiritual consequences, including a sense of guilt, distance from Allah, and potential punishment in the Hereafter.

Emotional Turmoil: 

The immediate pleasure derived from Zina can be followed by emotional turmoil, including feelings of guilt, shame, anxiety, and regret later on.

Harmful for Relationships: 

Engaging in unlawful sexual relations can lead to unhealthy and damaging relationships. It often involves deception, mistrust, and instability, which can cause long-lasting emotional pain and destroyed relationships. Like increased numbers of divorce cases in Pakistan in a recent decade.

Health Risks: 

Zina can expose individuals to sexually transmitted infections STIs or (HIV AIDs) or unintended pregnancies for females, leading to serious health issues and long-term consequences.

Legal and Social Consequences: 

Depending on the jurisdiction, Zina may have severe legal penalties, including imprisonment or Flogging in public (Old Islamic Punishment in Shairah).
Zina can lead to social isolation and stigmatization within communities that uphold strong moral values.

In summary, while some individuals may perceive a momentary pleasure in Zina, it's essential to recognize that this pleasure is ephemeral and often followed by significant negative consequences. Islam emphasizes self-control, chastity, and lawful marriage as the appropriate means to find fulfillment and long-lasting happiness while avoiding the pitfalls associated with Zina.

How to avoid Zina (Sexual Immorality):

In Islam, maintaining purity and avoiding sinful acts is of utmost importance. 

One such grave sin is Zina, which refers to sexual immorality or unlawful sexual relations. Islam prohibits any form of sexual activity outside of a lawful marriage between a man and a woman. 

This article explores the Islamic teachings on how to avoid Zina, backed by references from the Quran and Hadith, in order to guide individuals towards a virtuous and righteous life.

Quranic References:

Surah Al-Isra (17:32): "And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way."

This verse explicitly prohibits approaching Zina, emphasizing its immorality and evil nature.

Surah An-Nur (24:30): "Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and guard their private parts. That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what they do."

Here, men are instructed to lower their gaze and protect their chastity, highlighting the importance of modesty and self-control.

Surah An-Nur (24:31): "And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their private parts and not expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof and to wrap [a portion of] their head covers over their chests and not expose their adornment..."

This verse directs women to maintain modesty and cover themselves, promoting the virtue of chastity.

Hadith References:

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "O young people! Whoever among you is able to marry, should marry, and whoever is not able to marry, is recommended to fast, as fasting diminishes his sexual power." (Sahih al-Bukhari)

Fasting is recommended as a means of controlling one's desires and avoiding unlawful sexual activity.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "The eyes commit Zina, and their Zina is gazing. The tongue commits Zina, and its Zina is talking. The heart commits Zina, and its Zina is wishing and longing. Then the private parts confirm all this or deny it." (Sahih al-Bukhari)

This Hadith emphasizes that Zina begins with sinful thoughts and actions of the heart and mind.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "No one commits adultery while still remaining a believer, for faith is more precious to him than such an evil act." (Sahih al-Bukhari)

This Hadith unearth the incompatibility of adultery with true faith.

So it's necessary to avoid Zina according to the references of the Holy Quran and Hadith, we recommend you to follow these steps:

Enhance Religious Knowledge:

Deepen your understanding of Islamic principles and values through advanced religious studies.

Seek guidance from knowledgeable scholars and mentors who can provide valuable insights into Islamic ethics.

Develop Stronger Self-Control:

Practice mindfulness and self-awareness to better control your desires and impulses.

Engage in advanced techniques such as meditation, gym and fasting to strengthen self-discipline.

Moral and Ethical Education:

Promote moral and ethical education in your community, focusing on the importance of chastity and modesty. Encourage discussions on sexual ethics and their alignment with Islamic teachings.

Social Awareness:

Educate others about the consequences of Zina, emphasizing its detrimental impact on individuals and society. 

Advocate for a more morally conscious society that discourages promiscuity and encourages virtuous behavior.

Support Systems:

Establish and participate in support groups or counseling services for individuals struggling with sexual temptations or past Zina involvement.

Create a nonjudgmental environment where individuals can seek help and guidance.

Media Literacy:

Develop advanced media literacy skills to critically analyze and filter explicit content in media, reducing its influence on your thoughts and behavior.

Promote media literacy within your community to raise awareness about media's impact on values and behavior.

Early Marriage Preparation:

Islam encourages marriage as the lawful outlet for sexual desires. Spouses are each other's safeguards against Zina.

Prioritize pre-marital counseling and education to prepare for a strong and fulfilling marital relationship.

Consider advanced courses on conflict resolution, communication, and emotional intimacy.

Active Community Involvement:

Engage in community initiatives that promote Islamic values and ethics, fostering an environment where Zina is less likely to occur.

Collaborate with local organizations to offer educational programs on sexual ethics and moral values.

Psychological Support:

Seek advanced counseling or therapy if you have underlying psychological issues or trauma that contribute to sexual temptations.

Encourage open discussions within your community about mental health and its impact on behavior.

Continuous Self-Reflection:

Regularly engage in advanced self-reflection to assess your moral and ethical alignment with Islamic teachings.

Strive for continuous self-improvement and spiritual growth to resist temptations and lead a virtuous life.

Modesty and Fasting:

Both men and women are advised to dress modestly, lower their gaze, and avoid situations that may lead to temptation.

Fasting, especially voluntary fasting, can help control desires and purify the soul.

Avoiding Alone Time: 

Avoid being alone with a person of the opposite sex who is not a close family member or spouse. If someone has committed Zina in the past, sincere repentance and seeking forgiveness from Allah is essential.

Remember that avoiding Zina is a lifelong journey that requires continuous effort and commitment to Islamic principles. Utilizing these advanced strategies can help individuals maintain their chastity and adhere to the teachings of Islam in an increasingly complex world.

Why Choose Nikkah Over Zina?

Why Choose Nikkah Over Zina

Nikkah: A Sacred Covenant of Marriage:

Nikkah, an Arabic term often translated as "marriage" in English, holds deep significance in Islamic culture and tradition. This sacred covenant unites a man and a woman in matrimony, encompassing profound spiritual, legal, and social implications. It is also important to choose a life partner for nikkah, according to islamic teachings or principles.

In this article, we will explore the definition and significance of Nikkah, shedding light on its various facets.

Definition of Nikkah:

In its essence, is a formal and legally binding contract between a Muslim man and woman to establish a marital relationship. This contract is not merely a union of two individuals but a union of families, communities, and faith. Nikkah signifies the couple's commitment to building a life together based on love, respect, and shared values

The Significance of Nikkah:

Following points describes the significance of having Nikkah as a relationship:

Religious Fulfillment: 

Nikkah is a fundamental religious obligation in Islam. It is considered half of one's faith, as the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is reported to have said: "By entering into Nikkah, Muslims fulfill a significant religious duty."

Family and Community Bonds: 

Nikkah strengthens family ties and fosters a sense of community. It involves the consent and support of both families, symbolizing the union of two households. The community witnesses and celebrates this union, emphasizing the collective importance of family life.

Legal and Social Protection: 

Nikkah provides legal and social protection for the couple and their offspring. It establishes the rights and responsibilities of each spouse, ensuring legal recognition of the marriage and inheritance rights. This legal framework offers security in matters of divorce and custody.

Moral and Ethical Values: 

Nikkah encourages the practice of moral and ethical values within the context of marriage. It promotes fidelity, mutual respect, and caring for one another. The marital relationship is seen as a means of personal growth and spiritual development.

Procreation of Future Generations:

Nikkah facilitates procreation and the continuation of family lines. It is through this sacred contract that the Muslim community grows, ensuring the preservation of Islamic traditions and values for future generations.

Emphasis on Love and Compassion: 

Nikkah emphasizes the importance of love and compassion in a marriage. The Quran mentions that spouses are clothing for each other, signifying the role of protection, comfort, and adornment they provide to one another.

Diverse Cultural Practices: 

While the core concept of Nikkah remains the same, its cultural practices vary across Muslim-majority regions. These variations add richness and diversity to the way Nikkah is celebrated and observed.

The Nikkah Ceremony:

The Nikkah ceremony typically includes several essential components:

Ijab (Offer) and Qabool (Acceptance): 

The groom proposes, and the bride accepts the marriage contract in the presence of witnesses and an Islamic authority, often an Imam or Qazi.

Mahr (Dower): 

The groom offers a gift or sum of money to the bride as a sign of his commitment and responsibility.

Prayers and Blessings: 

Prayers and supplications are recited to seek Allah's blessings and guidance for the couple's new journey together.


The presence of witnesses is crucial to validate the contract. There are typically two male witnesses required. These witnesses should be adult Muslim men who are of sound mind and character. Their role is to witness the consent of both the bride and groom to the marriage contract and confirm it. It's important to choose trustworthy individuals who can fulfill this role according to Islamic traditions.


Nikkah, as the Islamic marriage contract, is far more than a legal formality. It embodies the core principles of faith, family, and community. It offers protection, legal recognition, and a framework for building a loving and compassionate partnership. Nikkah is not merely a joining of two individuals; it is a sacred covenant that binds hearts, families, and communities in the pursuit of a life rooted in faith and love. So in order to get nikkahfied, visit our article about how to find a Rishta in Karachi

On the other hand, according to Islam, Zina is considered a major sin due to its harmful consequences on individuals and society. To avoid this sin, Muslims are guided by the Quran and Hadith to uphold principles of modesty, self-control, and lawful relationships. By following these teachings and seeking Allah's guidance, believers can lead a virtuous and righteous life, free from the sin of Zina.

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